The determination of the damage

The determination of the damage

1- The damaged claimants should refer to project executive or his representative in design and developing assistence domain in Sari – Imam square – Mazandaran regional electric company, PB: 188 telephone : 0151 – 2262904 Fax : 0151 2227649 during work hours (7 Am to 2.35 PM) for filling in damage forms.

2- Determining the time of visiting the damaged area by executive.

3- Visiting damage area by executive, contractor and damaged people.

4- After approving damages, regulating minute by executive and sending it to the legal department and in case of not being confirmed the responsible official must convince the client.
The maximum period of performing work : 10 days.

5- Studying the received agendas from designing and need to developing assistant executives.
The maximum period of performing work : 2 days.

6- Referring it to the official expert of administration of justice for evaluating and receiving his opinions.
The maximum period of performing work : 8 days.

7- If the agenda is substantiated by legal department and regulate the claim relinquishment document, the document will be sent to the office of the notary public and then after receiving it from the office of the notary public will be sent to financial department, otherwise after receiving opinion, it will be sent to financial department directly.
The maximum period of performing 10 days

8- Studying document by list regulating department.
The maximum period of performing : 4 days